The product
With webcast partners who are pioneers in webcasting and technological know-how, Bastion has earned not only a reputation for seamless delivery but also an impeccable record on webcast management by virtue of their local and international webcasting and development experience.
Our webcast interfaces provide maximum functionality and ease of use to the end user, providing the vehicle for reliable delivery of focused corporate communication.
Bastion provides an end-to-end broadcast service that pushes high quality streams out to a global audience, within a customised interface. This includes still images of the presenters, a media player and the powerpoint slides.
Each interface is branded specifically to a client's requirements, and appears uniformly within the client's web site.
Additional value adds, such as registration databases, surveys, feedback forms, chat interfaces, live stock tickers, and many more, are available on demand.
Our webcast product is available standard live and on-demand for six months after the event, unless otherwise requested. Archiving after the event typically takes between 3-4 hours and an email notification is sent to users to alert them on the availability of the webcast.
Should you have any queries or require more in-depth information on our webcast service, please contact Benjamin on 082 789 8417 or via email Benjamin@overend.co.za;