IR Advisory

We help you reach, understand, and interact with your investors

Research  Strategy  Implementation  Feedback

The Bastion Approach:

Research, perception audits and annual report analysis assist in formulating effective strategies with a view to keeping abreast of your competitors and peers and effectively reach and understand your investors.

Strategies create and manage public and investor expectations of your company.
The Bastion Approach is to assist and advise on formulation, implementation and monitoring of your communications strategy. We integrate communications solutions with your company’s other communication channels, allowing a holistic approach for the benefit of our clients, their stakeholders, shareholders and the investment community.

Implementation processes coordinate Investor Relations with your company’s other communication channels. It establishes your relationship of trust with the investment community and assists you in the design and communication of your investment story.

Bastion prides itself on quality delivery of timeous, up-to-date information to the market in the most appropriate manner.

Feedback to and from both the client and market promotes a culture of vital communication flow, essential to the growth and sustainability of any industry.


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